Defining Me

Image result for defining moment by Margie Senechal

When Liz floated the idea on Sunday of defining moments, I thought of quite a few. But, today with 30 minutes left before I have to head to work my mind is kind of a blank. 

Except for the one that happened a few months ago. I had lunch with my friends Gayle and Ivar wherein I mentioned writing this blog. I told them how I was the only unpublished writer in the group. And Gayle--who has read many a work-in-progress over the years--asked why I wasn't published.

I didn't have an answer. I had a bunch of excuses. Like how I'd spent years and many rewrites on Bix. How nothing I wrote seemed to click with an editor or agent...Excuses are a dime a dozen and we can all come up with them.

But, why aren't I published? That question has nagged me over the months. Almost becoming a personal mantra.

At the moment, I don't have anything new to submit because, besides eight versions of Bix, I haven't finished writing anything. And I really, really want to.

Image result for defining momentBut, in these moments of self-reflection, I realize that I produce best when I have readers. Even a single reader like I did for Bix. And I haven't been in an active writer's group for years--in real life or online. And I think my productivity has suffered. For a while, I tried to make myself believe that I didn't need those people--any people--but I do.

So, today another defining moment is arriving as I'm going to ask for help. Does anyone want to read the 20K WIP of Suitcases and help me brainstorm through?
Because this writer can't hack it on her own.

Have a great Thursday--may it propel you into a wonderful weekend.


  1. A great post, Margie. I will read after this week!

  2. I think you've hit on something important - the sense of community that we all need. Writers are solitary people, but that doesn't mean we don't need friend to lean on, to support, to kick around ideas, or to kick our butts. :) I'll read for ya, any time.

  3. Margie - I will most certainly read for you! And yes, having someone else look at your work is critical! I was just brainstorming with some gals yesterday, and their input was invaluable! You can do this!

    1. Thanks, Ava m, I appreciate it. Email coming soon.

  4. Yup sure will. The other ladies all know me

    1. Appreciate it Annie. I’ll get your email from One if the wranglers if they have it. Thank you!

  5. I'd love to read it. My book is in editing and I really wish I'd had a lot more input before now. Apparently once it's in editing, it's too late to make changes to the story.

  6. Margie, I'd love to read it and if you need an editor, you know I'm always here, baby!

  7. Brainstorming is one of my favorite things! Shoot your story over. I totally agree that a writing community is essential.

  8. Thank you All! I will be taking you up on your offers very soon!


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