Why Can't I Get in on the Secret?

I've been in a funk for the past few days. You know, that foggy swamp writers descend into when the 32nd rejection rolls in.....When even though you believe in yourself and your book, it doesn't feel like enough anymore unless an agent or a publisher believes, too. When your well meaning husband tries to be supportive and tells you not to give up because you truly are talented...and you bite his head off, because what does he know about the cutthroat publishing world? Please tell me some of you have experienced this feeling.

I've done all the right things to end my funk; drank several rounds of Long Island Sunsets (yummy, but didn't work), went to the gym (ultimately good for me, but didn't work), lunched with a friend (also yummy and fun, but kind of defeated my trip to the gym), watched a movie as a diversion (which made me thankful I don't fly, because a greedy air marshall tried to blow up Jodi Foster's plane) - but ultimately am still in my funk. And it feels like the only thing that could possibly propel me out of it would be a book sale, which certainly doesn't seem imminent at this point.

A few years ago a book came out called The Secret, which (as I understand, since I never brought myself to read it) says that if you put your positive thoughts/wish out there into the universe, good things will happen to you. Well, somebody needs to let me in on the secret of The Secret, because I've been a font of positivity and hopeful good wishes for a heck of a long time! If all it takes is a positive vibe, why don't I have a 3 book contract plus a movie deal in the works? I format my query letters correctly, always send a SASE with my partials and am the epitome of politeness. So what the heck does the universe want from me? Frankly, part of me thinks I deserve a prize just for cranking out 96,838 words in the first place, right? Who's with me?


  1. Hey, there.
    I think every single one of your CPs is in this same funk right now. I know I am. I've done everything on your list. Except, well, I don't drink except on my birthday, and I don't go to the gym.
    But the funk is there. The last rejection just slammed me, and it's not like I haven't gotten a few thousand before now.
    If The Secret worked so well, we'd all be pubbed.
    I wish I had a good piece of advice, but all I have is to keep soldiering on.

  2. Hey Christi, hugs to you my friend! I know how you feel. I think we all do. No great advice from me...even though I've been there. Just pushing forward helps me get through the funk, when it happens.

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  4. Kristi, "The Secret" (as in, the book) was a pile of New Age nonsense (being polite here) that any fourth grader could've seen through! That said, we couldn't keep it on the shelves last Christmas in the indie bookstore I worked in - so many people willing to shell out $25 in the hope of "learning" something to change their lives. pathetic! You don't need any secrets...you may just need to change your game plan, or take a break for a couple of days, or buy yourself some new shoes (dress, CD, chocolate, whatever turns your crank!). You're a wonderful writer, so don't let someone 21 yr old with an English BA make you feel down. Last conference I went to, all the editors were about 21-24 yrs old and all wore black "power suits". It opened my eyes to the fact that our success lies in their hands. Scary.

  5. Opps! should've been addressed to CHRISTI I think....sorry!

  6. Hey, I'm new at this so I have no advice or words of wisdom. Scratch that, here's some:The Secret was a crock and the only reason why it sold so well was because Oprah Winfrey had it on her show, so don't believe the hype. End of words of wisdom. Keep your chin up. I know that's easier said than done.

  7. Shawn told me the blahs had gone viral (or words to that effect) and she's absolutely right. D'Ann and I, at least, are right there with you, and we WILL climb out and reach the top!

  8. I don't know what the secret is but I want to say that just finishing a book is a huge accomplishment that should warrant celebration. The last time I finished a wip was 2006 and that was the rewrite of a book I finished in 2003. But, all those WIP that are waiting in limboland led me to Bix.Fortunately, funks come and go, wade through the fog, sunshine's on the otherside.

  9. It is NOT you. You must keep telling yourself that everyone wants to be a writer and the competition is tougher than ever. Just today I discovered an acquaintance that won two prestigious awards. I got to thinking back 14-15 years ago when I first met the person. He had a couple of books under his belt. But now after all this time, he's won these highly sought after awards. I often like to think of that old commercial, "No wine before its time"--I guess that's true of writers also.

  10. hey christi...we're all there with you! grab your bootstraps and pull yourself upright...eventually we'll all kick it in the rear!



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