Give me a C-O-W-B-O-Y

Christi's topic pick of the week is genres.

I got hooked on romance by reading Gothics, the old Victoria Holts. Loved 'em. Couldn't get enough. Then I went to Harlequins. The ones where there was a hero named Alexander and the heroine was Ariel or Phoebe.

But then I discovered contemporary westerns. Ah. Something I could relate to. I loved the exoctic locations where Alexander and Ariel fell in love, but they weren't places I'd ever been, and places I'm not likely to ever go.

But plunk me down with a cowboy in Colorado, Texas or Montana, and I'm there. I have to put in a disclaimer here. I cannot stand westerns where the author doesn't know a cow from a pony, or thinks a cowpony is a combo of both. But the ones where the author has done good research or knows their stuff, ah nice. I'm home.

I like all kinds of heros, except like I said yesterday, I can't really get into Weres, vamps or ghosts. I love firemen, military men and athletes.

But a softspoken cowboy, especially one who loves horses, that's my kind of guy. The kind I like to write about best. I understand them. The lure, the lore. I've got a true cowboy for a dad, and one for a husband.

Once in awhile I go outside my box and write about other types of of my latest heros is a reporter and doesn't know a thing about horses. But I always drift back to kind of hero.

Add him to some kind of suspense and that's my favorite genre!
