Ho-ho-how do you know?

You know how I know it's Christmas? Nope, not by the calendar date. Nope, not by the crowds in the stores, the tree decorated in our living room or the presents wrapped up underneath.

I know it's Christmas because I went to see The Nutcracker over the weekend. We (bebe, MIL, me)  trekked out to see it (we left RadioMan at home watching football), and while it wasn't a professional (meaning the Kansas City, Cleveland, Chicago or whatever Ballet) performance, the dancers were all trained, all either studying dance in college or actually making a living with smaller dance troupes. And it was really well done.

Ballerinas from Toledo and Cleveland came in to work with younger kids from area dance schools and a few local actors. The area symphony played the music and it was really, really good. Made me miss my musical background and start thinking about playing again. Then I thought about the time commitment that would take and since I have little enough time as it is with the fiction, I decided I'd just support the arts - by going to other performances.

Would I like to have seen the ballet in Chicago, New York or San Francisco? Yeah. The level of ability would have been different, the costuming and stage setting would have been a little bit larger than life. We were seated 4th row, center - exactly the right place to see the fight with the Rat King, the dance of the Sugar Plum fairy and the Flower Queen.

Now the music is rolling around in my head, the different dances taking center stage in my memory. I love the Nutcracker - by far my favorite ballet (I know, it's a lot of people's favorite). Gets me in the holiday spirit every single time.

Outside the crowded malls and candy on the counter, what says 'Christmas is here' to you?


  1. The baking supplies displays in the grocery store! I like to bake anyway, though I'm mediocre at best, and those displays sing a Christmas song to me.

    Nice post, Kristi.

  2. The music on the classical radio station, beautiful songs such as Holy Night and that kinda stuff. Really very inspiring and uplifting (and stops me thinking about how money I'm spending LOL) I used to go the Nutcracker when my parents came over before Christmas but now they don't come over close enough to Christmas, sadly.

  3. Our Kroger pulls all the 'extra' baking supplies out into a mail aisle, creating a baking-mini-aisle...I could spend hours there, Liz!

  4. I would have to agree with Liz. The baking supplies in the grocery stores. I love the Nutcracker. The Russian dance is my favorite.

  5. Kristi my sister and I braved the treacherous city streets when all of the kids were small and took them to see The Nutcracker...still have some fond memories of going...one being my youngest son who whispered in my ear about every 30 seconds "How much longer before this is over?" lol

    What says it's Christmas to me is just the feeling the air. I can't explain it, but holiday commercials can make me tear up, the air is crisp, beautiful cards coming in the mail with good wishes..the list is endless :)

    1. Oh, the commercials - I *still* get a little weepy when those old coffee commercials come on.. "michael's home!" *sigh*

      Still lol-ing about your son - too funny!

  6. Hi Kristi

    Christmas for me is: fairy lights everywhere, the cold air (and chapped lips) and the enormous piles of mince pies in the shops that call to me... I love the way the whole atmosphere changes on the run up to Christmas; for me it's the most exciting time of the year. Did Bebe enjoy Nutcracker? I used to LOVE going to the theatre when I was young.

    1. she loved it - still humming a couple of the songs! We drive around to the lights at *least* on a weekly basis, Christy!

  7. I love the houses decorated with all the pretty lights. When I drive home from work, it's dark and I get to enjoy them every night.

  8. Just last night, I said to Brandi I wish we lived somewhere where we could see a "real" performance of the Nutcracker. Brandi danced in it once, and it was gorgeous. I love the lights.

    1. You and Brandi should take a trip into a city sometime to see it - I'll bet you'd both love it!

  9. I know it's Christmas when I start getting to watch my favorite Christmas shows/movies: Christmas Vacation, It's A Wonderful Life, Scrooge (a fave musical with Albert Finny), A Child's Christmas in Wales, A Charlie Brown Christmas, White Christmas and the ultimate How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

  10. I live in New Zealand, and when the pohutakawa trees start to bloom I know it's Christmas time. They are evergreen trees and have scarlet flowers. Very pretty!

  11. I received my first Christmas card right after Thanksgiving (from the person who is always first at this!), there's a bloom on my Christmas cactus (a first for me as they usually drop off) AND I heard Alvin and the Chipmunks singing "Christmas Don't Be Late." That sealed it!

  12. Oh, I love the Nutcracker Ballet. We took the boys to see it (also done by a regional company) way back when they were little, and they still talk about it.

    Christmas arrives for me when I bake my fruitcake. That's the start of my baking mania, which continues nonstop until the house if full of goodies. Needless to say I avoid the weight scale until well after the New Year, hehe.

  13. No matter where we were, my son was always in a school that took them to see the Nutcracker.

  14. My phone keeps eating my posts! Anyway, I love watching "It's a Wonderful Life." Sometimes I put myself in George's position and wonder what life would be like had I never been born. I love my life but I've always been a "what if" person. When the kids were little we took them to see A Christmas Carol. It was a fabulous play. I wonder if it's playing this year?


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