Lessons in Reading

A couple of weeks ago, I shared that I'd been a reading kick--still kicking and reading. And writing. But I wanted to share some lessons I've learned through reading recently.

A) I don't want to be judged for something I did or who I was when I was a teenager. I've read a couple of romances that hinge on a mistake the hero made as a teenager. Ditching the girl at the prom and showing up ten years later or letting his rich family bash his girl and call her a money-hungry slut.

Sure. These are horrible things. But, they were TEENAGERS. I think holding a grudge against something that was said or done as a teenager a decade ago shows a worse character trait than the offensive act done then. I mean, I don't want to be judged for something I said in my teens, twenties, thirties, or possibly yesterday--let's be honest, stupidity doesn't stop because we age. 

B) Today Jordan has a dentist appointment or "Dental surgery" as she keeps telling me. She's having her one remaining wisdom tooth pulled because It's broken through. Do you know how many times in the past week I've heard about it?

I've read books like that. Where they repeat something over and over until they convince the reader or the character that it's true or valid or right.

C) Communication is vital. Most of us are writers--so why do we write characters who refuse to talk to each other? Sometimes the plot totally hinges on if the couple had a real, meaningful conversation that would clear up the misconceptions they keep thinking that other person in the relationship is thinking. It's soap-opera dialogue. Talk people!

Okay, that's all I got--anyone else read anything that made them light bulb?


  1. I agree about the communication--especially when it's sooo obvious that's the only problem! Hugs to Jordan--I hate "dental surgery." :-)

  2. Agreed on both counts :)

    When you're reading a book and you're thinking, "Just talk!" it's probably time to put it down :)

    And I hate anything to do with the dentist even if I have a great dentist. But my idea of hell is sitting in that chair, listening to the drill, and having to keep my mouth open. Plus I have a super strong gag reflex. I am a dentist's nightmare

  3. I hate when the problem starts because one character ovehears a partial conversation and immediately jumps to the wrong conclusion. And that misunderstanding drags through until the end if the story. That drives me crazy!

  4. Shawn--Totally. Especially when it could be resolved with a simple conversation.


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