Postcard From the Road--Day 2, Whitehall

Happy Tuesday—it’s Liz. We started the day with a beautiful sunrise over Muskegon Lake. That was some kind of gorgeous. Then we took off for Whitehall and this way cool lighthouse whose name I can’t remember—what is it, Nan? Anyway, here’s a life preserver thing from the Edmund
Fitzgerald. Seeing it made me sad for the 29 who died and their families. Made me think of the husband, too. He sings that song.

He plays the guitar, too, though he’s never played one like this. He’s never even suggested playing one like this!

Nan bought another sweatshirt—yeah, can you believe it? I told you all my stuff fit in that orange suitcase—and I bought some cool sunglasses. We did some brainstorming on a story idea she has. I am excited about that, so you’ll need to stay tuned.

We went to Meijer on the way back to replenish the supply of gouda that someone demolished and now we’re back in the hotel trying to get up the energy to go and lie beside the pool.

See you tomorrow!

Okay, Nan here and let's start with the "sunrise" picture, which was actually last night's sunset. My darling roomie is clearly directionally challenged and apparently memory-deficient... or maybe it's the wine! Our hotel window faces due west, no way we were going to view a sunrise this morning, but we did enjoy a lovely breakfast in the hotel dining room. I think I might need to pour less wine tonight... or maybe more. Thoughts?

That's me leaning against White River Light Station--one of my favorite places and Part 1 of the Let's-Re-live-Nan's-Childhood tour that Lizzie signed up for when we planned this trip. We even walked down the channel wall and out to where the waves were crashing on the jetty. It's a sight to behold and even more amazing at sunset (that's due west, Liz), when the sun just appears to drop down into the lake.

Yes, I bought a shirt in Whitehall--two, actually--one for me and one for Grandboy (we'll match and he's still young enough to think that's cool). They both say Lake Michigan: Unsalted and Shark Free, which is entirely appropriate because I'm not a big fan of the ocean (or sharks), but I am a very big fan of Lake Michigan and I'm hoping to bring Grandboy here one day.

Liz got to see the World's Largest Weather Vane and we stopped by Peter Johnson's very arty pottery studio to check out his sculpture garden and show room. Lots of nice pottery. We ate at a cute little deli--they have a lovely garden area that lent itself to good conversation about where the heck my next story is headed. Funny how no matter what else we're doing, the conversation always comes back to story...we are writers first and always, I guess.

Tonight is supper in the room and writing--I'm hoping to get a good start on that idea that Liz and I tossed around today. Tomorrow, Little Sable Lighthouse and Pentwater. In the meantime, here's the sound and fury of Lake Michigan waves crashing on the to my ears! I think I get extra points today for embedding a video into the blog. What say you, Liz?


  1. Looks like you're having a wonderful time! Oh, and yeah, kudos for embedding the video!

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! Yup, we are! Thanks for the kudos--I just took a shot and it worked!

  2. definitely extra points, Nan! Happy writing tonight!

    1. I'll take those extra points, Kristi! So nice sitting here on the couch with a lovely breeze from the open window. We can see sailboats on the lake--perfect inspiration for writing!

  3. We are having fun! Liz and I travel well together--we're more or less on the same rhythm... it works!

  4. Replies
    1. It's pretty darn close to the perfect vacation, Margie, we're having a ball!

  5. Whitehall is where we ended up 2 weekends ago! Stayed pretty near a lighthouse museum, Buzz's lakeside inn.

    1. Laura, what a hoot! I just took your MIL there yesterday! I wanted her to see it because Husband and I spent our honeymoon there waaayyyy back in 1973. Lakeside has a wonderful history--it's one of our favorite places.


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