Sprucing Things up at the Ole Word Wranglers Corral by @JanaRichards_

© Can Stock Photo / Feverpitched
You’ve probably noticed the new look of our blog the last couple of weeks. Isn’t it beautiful? Our techo-genius Kristina Knight is responsible for keeping us looking our best and we are very grateful. Especially me, since I have neither a tech-savvy or artistic bone in my body. Thanks for keeping us in shape, Kristi!

But that’s not all the changes we have in store. If you’ve been with us a while, you probably remember when we blogged six times a week. Actually, it wasn’t very long ago. Until January 2018, that’s what we did. I’m not going to lie. It was hard to come up with interesting posts every week, and so it wasn’t surprising that all six of us got a tad burned out. And with all of us working on our own writing, it was difficult to find the time as well.

So, we came up with a new format; a once a week post. Every Wednesday we took turns telling readers, and each other, what we’ve been up to and what was on our minds. I have to admit I breathed a sigh of relief. I only had to blog once every six weeks! The pressure was off!


We missed connecting with readers and especially with each other the way we did when someone was on the blog nearly every day of the week. Though I’ve never met the other five Word Wranglers in person, they’ve become sisters-in-arms in this crazy game we call Writing and Publishing. And they’ve become friends, too. I loved hearing about their accomplishments and triumphs, and even their failures. What was even more special was learning about their families and their lives.

But how could we keep up with each other and provide readers with interesting posts without burning out once again?

We came up with a plan. Starting next week, we’ll be posting a blog on the new and improved Word Wranglers blog every Tuesday and Friday. Liz Flaherty will be kicking off the new format for us on Tuesday and we hope you’ll drop by to say hello and wish us well. I can hardly wait to catch up with my friends!


  1. Thank for making the announcement, Jana. I gotta admit, I'm kind of excited about the changes. Like you, I miss the day-to-day with all the Wranglers. See you all Tuesday. Now, what shall I write about? I've already...

    1. I'm excited about the changes, too. Thanks for updating everyone, Jana!

    2. I'm excited too. It's so great to keep up with what's going on your lives. Even if I don't have a clue what I'm going to write about!


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