Three Weeks in...

..and I'm hibernating. We're three weeks into a new year and I've barely had time to take a breath since the holidays because I am furiously writing on book 2 of the Four Irish Brothers Winery series which is due to my editor at Tule very soon--really, really soon.

News is scarce here because pretty much I've been working on editing gigs and writing--I truly am in what my sister calls "Nan's hibernation mode." But I'm looking ahead, thinking about what 2019 will bring, not just in my writing life, but in all areas.

Right off, we're moving. We've been sorting, decluttering, tossing, and packing 35 years of our life as we prepare to put the house up for sale. It's bittersweet and a bit harder on Husband because change is harder for him. But he's moving forward and I'm proud of what he's accomplished so far. I'm daunted by the amount of work that needs to be done and worrying whether or not the house will sell and whether or not we'll find the perfect new home, but I have faith that we can do it. After all, people do this all the time, right?

2019 is also a big writing year--as I said, Book 2 is due to my editor in just a few weeks and Book 3 will be due in midsummer. The stories are rambling around in my head, each brother revealing something of himself every day. Brendan is supposed to be up in book 3, but for some reason Aidan's story is the one that's simmering most enthusiastically right now, so he may end up being next. I don't know--I'll talk to my editor and we'll figure it out.

Liz and I have a writing retreat planned next month and I'm so excited, I have to force myself not think about it or I'll burst. I'm so ready for time away and time with her and time to start a new book... it will be a treat, I'm sure. I just wish it was happening right now! Also, Kristi and Liz and I are doing a program for the Indiana chapter of RWA in March, which I know will be fun. We'll keep you all posted and try to get pictures up when we present.

One more thing and then I'll end this long stream of consciousness post--I entered A SMALL TOWN CHRISTMAS in the RWA's 2019 RITA contest, the New England Chapter of RWA's Reader Choice contest, and the Virginia Chapter's HOLT Medallion contest. I'm nervous as heck because I'm not a contester, but my publisher encouraged me to enter the RITAs and the others, I just thought, oh, why not? Needless to say, I've had to put those three contests in the back of my mind because I'd be a nervous wreck otherwise, but I've sort promised myself that I'd go to RWA Nationals this year if the book finals in the RITA. I haven't been to Nationals since 1984, so... well, anyway, hold a good thought for all three, okay?

Have a great Tuesday everybody! Laugh often, love well, and be kind to yourselves!



  1. Good luck in the contests, Nan! I'm in a bit of hibernation mode, too. Finishing up a book that's releasing in a few weeks and getting a proposal ready and getting really excited about meeting you and Nan in person - finally!!! :D

    1. Liz and I are both jacked about meeting you, too, Kristi! Should be a fun weekend! Hugs!

    2. I'm so jealous that you all get to meet finally!

    3. Wish you were going to be there, too!

  2. One of the best will be our Feb. retreat, mon amie!

  3. Your hibernation mode is much more productive than mine. lol. Good on you!

  4. Good luck in the contests, Nan. And in all the other stuff you're doing! You are one busy lady!

    PS: I'm jealous that you and Liz and Kristi get to hang out. Wish I was with you!

  5. best of luck with your contest enteries.


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