My Answers to April's Five Questions

 by Margie Senechal

This morning while I was contemplating this blog post, my boss called me in a couple hours early. So, this might be a rush job. But, most of my posts are done on the fly, so why change. I'm always amazed at my blogmates who have their posts keyed up weeks in advance. That is not me.

Earlier this month, Nan posed five questions for us and here are my answers.

1. Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers? I hate to say this, but I've never found this true. Maybe it's because I write in nuggets of time that I chisel out of my everyday life. It could also be that I avoid emotionally draining pursuits (you might not want to sit next to me at a funeral) as a whole, so if I found it that way, I probably wouldn't be doing it. 

2. If you could be mentored by a famous author, who would it be and why? Nora Ephron. Her talent for dialogue and finding the humor in every aspect of life is stellar. I love that.

3. At what point do you think someone should consider themselves a writer? From the time you put words on a blank piece of paper or a white screen. I think true writers start out as Storytellers. I know I did. I made up situations to amuse (scare?) my sisters even before I realized I could write them down. Once I started writing them down, I was a writer. If only in my heart.

And recently, I became a published author and here's the link to prove it:

Once Upon a Book Club - Shop/Product

 4. If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be? Tenacious, optimistic, and fun. At least that's the person I aspire to be. 

5. You are the publisher and the choice is yours--what is your new romance imprint going to be? This one is a toughie. Because I think there's a ton out there already. Let's see, I'd like it to be one that will publish my stories. LOL It's my dream, I can be self-serving. 

Honestly, I think I'd like an imprint that has a magical realism core. Yeah. That's what I want. 

Look at that, I got my five questions done in time to post and go to work. Even if I get there a little late (I won't), I'd still be early. It's all in how you look at it, (one of my core values, you know being an optimist and all.)

Here I leave you with wishes of health, happy, and a bit of magic.


  1. Great answers, Margie and you made it to work on time!

  2. I love your answers, Margie! Wishing you all the magic in the world!


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