Thoughts from Limbo by Liz Flaherty #WordWranglers

I'm past retirement age--the last day of my not-writing career was 10 years ago. I don't have a contract, although I have two completed manuscripts "out" to publishers I've been with off and on for many years. So yesterday and today--I'm writing this on Wednesday--I haven't had anything I have to do. More importantly, nothing I should have had done Monday and am just now getting to.

It takes less to overwhelm me these days...fewer appointments, fewer deadlines, deciding what to have for dinner, and make no mistake, I like not being overwhelmed. And yet...

It feels a little strange...a lot strange. I just told Nan that this is when I miss going to work. I miss knowing there are productive things just waiting for me to do them and people to work with. As much as I like being alone, I loved working with people, too. I'd still like to have a job sometimes, but only when I want one and only doing things I want to do. I don't think that's unreasonable, do you?

This limbo-like status reminds me of the early days before I was published and long before indie-publishing gave authors more control. What did I do then when I was between projects? Well, I started another one. But that's comparing oranges and apples--I had the day job that, with driving time and incidentals, took 10 hours off the top of every day. Although writing was no less important to me then, its allotted hours of my day were considerably fewer! 

So I'm reading over things this week, finding what I like and what I don't and just how many typos one person can have in a single manuscript. I'm working on short things and maybe having them done--gasp--ahead of time. And I'm running errands. Lots of errands. 

It's okay here in limbo, because it's stepping-outside-the-usual time. We're going to a concert today (Thursday--I'm spending a lot of time on this post. 😉), I'm getting my oil changed this morning, and I've managed to go walking without a single whine about it all week long. 

Brynn Myers was right in the quote above, wasn't she? When limbo gets uncomfortable or you've just been there too long, push the reset button. Every day is a new one--find the excitement! 


  1. The concert sounds like fun, Liz, sometimes a fun evening like that can really get the creative juices flowing...and sometimes, it's nice to just do something different. I've been feeling a little burnout lately, myself, which I'm blaming on the pandemic...but that is a post unto itself.

    1. Thanks, Kristi. I tend to blame politics, because living where your politics are unpopular is exhausting, but that's NOT a WW post. Lol. Hope things are "coming around" for you.

  2. Welcome to the "In Limbo Club". It's time for me to reset, too!

  3. I'm not in limbo--merely in overwhelm, which as you know all too well seems to happen to me more and more as I'm getting older. The solution is to stop overbooking I'm going to give that a try. We shall see.

  4. I wish I could get to a moment where everything I want to do and everything I "should" do, are done. But I wouldn't want that moment to last too long because I think it might get boring. We definitely need purpose, don't we?


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