Taking Good Care by Jana Richards

 What do writers and athletes have in common? 

At first glance, it would appear to be nothing. A writer sits at a desk all day while an athlete is physically active. But the truth is, both have to look after themselves if they’re going to perform well. 

Good physical and mental health is essential to a writer. Have you ever tried to be creative when you’ve thrown your back out? Or when you’re worried or upset? Trust me, it’s difficult. A writer is only as creative and productive as her body, and mind, will let her be. It’s important to care for both. 

Here are a few things I’m doing, and striving to do, to take care of myself:

Staying physically active:

I gave up my gym membership at the beginning of the pandemic when the gyms were locked down. I never went back because I no longer felt comfortable there. Fortunately, my yoga classes went virtual so I’ve been able to do yoga at home in my office for the last two years. Yoga not only keeps me flexible and gives me a workout, it also calms me. My tiny office/yoga studio is an island of calm in a turbulent world.

My yoga studio aka office

But I needed something else, so I’ve begun walking around my neighborhood. It’s not always easy, especially right now in the depths of a Canadian winter. But I’ve found if I dress warmly, in plenty of layers, I’m okay, even in -25C or -30C weather (-13F to -22F) or colder. Walking outside is not only physically beneficial, it’s mentally beneficial as well. There’s something about being out in nature that just makes you feel better.

One of the snowy trails near my house where I walk.

(I have to come clean and admit that recently, when the temperature went down to -40C with the wind chill, (at this temp, Celsius and Fahrenheit are pretty much the same) I skipped walking for a couple of days. I really missed it, though.)

Over the next year, I hope to find more ways to stay active, especially doing things that are fun.

Dressing for the weather!


This one is a work in progress for me. I’m a terrible sleeper. I know from experience that if I don’t get a decent sleep, I’m useless the next day. My writing suffers. Over the next year, one of my goals is to go to bed earlier and get up earlier and write. I also need to find ways to get better sleep. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

Standing, not sitting:

I try to stand as much as possible when I write. Sitting for too long is bad for my back; if my sciatica flares up, I’m in trouble. 

This Christmas, my family bought me a standing desk. I can adjust the height and move it from place to place. If I get tired of standing, I can move my keyboard down to a lower shelf for a while. I love it! Hopefully it will help my back stay happy.

Being Gentle with Myself:

I’ve been inspired the past week by the posts my fellow Wrangler have written, especially when they talk about being kinder to themselves. I have a tendency to be my own worst critic, whether in regard to my writing or my appearance. The past couple of years have been tough enough without me beating myself up. This year I’m going to try to give myself a break. If I fall off the diet wagon occasionally, it’s not the end of the world. And if I miss a self-imposed writing deadline, I’ll keep moving forward. It’s okay not to be perfect.

Make More Time for Fun and Connections:

I’m hoping that 2022 eventually allows us to spend more time with family and friends. In the meantime, I need to make the effort to keep in touch by phone, email, Zoom, etc. because I know staying connected makes a big difference to my mental well-being.

I also have to start doing things that used to give me joy. Like reading for pleasure. For some reason, when the pandemic hit, I stopped reading or listening to books. I’m not sure why. In the past two years, I’ve mostly read non-fiction books for research, or books about Facebook ads or newsletters. This year I’m going to make reading for fun a priority. Because I need to have fun.

I love hearing what the other Word Wranglers and readers are doing to take care of themselves. Feel free to send me some tips!


  1. A great post with good thoughts--and I LOVE the pic of you. I think you should make it your new author photo!!!

    1. Ha! That's funny, Liz! The only thing missing from that picture were my heavy mitts, also a Christmas present this year. It was impossible to operate the camera with them!

  2. Good ideas, Jana, thanks for the reminder about getting good sleep. I'm a terrible sleeper, too, and I need to practice turning off my mind at night and just relishing the warmth of my bed.

    1. Sleep is so essential, Nan. I have a bad habit of staying up later than I should watching TV. It's a habit I need to break this year.

  3. Good advice!
    I had a dietitian recommend Magnesium Glycinate for sleep. She said to take one at bedtime and if you wake in the middle of the night take another one. She said most people are magnesium deficient so it’s not harmful. And it works for me. It somehow shuts off my brain and I’m not groggy in the morning. Hope that helps.

  4. Thanks Tahne! I've never heard that before so it's something to check into. I often use melatonin to help me sleep, but you're not supposed to use it for prolonged periods. Also, I often wake up in the night and then have a hard time sleeping again, so if magnesium helps with that, it would be awesome. Really appreciate the advice.


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