Promotion Exhaustion--Whine, Whine, Whine...

 You know, I'm feeling very... um, what is the word? The word for that feeling of oh, I'm so lucky, but dear lord, I'm over me. Hang on, let me check with Liz. Yeah, she's out, too. But there is a word and when we think of it, I'll write it here________.

It's this. I love having a new release out, I love the accolades, the buzz around the new title, all the fun of book launch events and going around the 'net shouting out my new book. I love how readers and other authors so graciously share the news. It's exciting to have my work (and it is work, mes amies, never doubt that!) acknowledged and celebrated. But, I'm kinda over me. 

Three book releases in a year may not seem all that much. I mean, I know authors who release eight to ten books a year or more, and they are always shouting out the news across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even, lord help me, TikTok (I say not in a million years, but then one thing I've learned since being published is to never say never.). But I wonder do they get sick of themselves like I'm feeling right now? That sheepish sort of yeah, I wrote a book, big deal kind of reaction when they do one more blog, one more Facebook party, one more... one more...

Liz and I are having a conversation as I write this and she's made several good points, one being that so much of the marketing of our books is on the writers' backs and we weren't hoping for that when we wanted to be published. So true... but on the other hand, I get why it has to be us that does it. My publisher has a small amazing staff, who will do anything their authors ask to help us promote our books, but there are too many authors, too many books for those dear folks to handle all the marketing for us. They do a great job producing the books and shouting out the news of releases, but we have to help if we want the world to know about our books. It's unreasonable for us to expect more. 

And, truth be told, I'm glad to do it because learning to market my stories has been invaluable for me, not just as writer, but as a grown-up author, who takes responsibility for her own work. It's made me bolder, more willing to step out and talk to strangers and maybe even be a little boastful about my own creative efforts. Writing a book is a big deal. Having written sixteen and being under contract to write four more is pretty remarkable for this almost (ahem) 70-year-old woman. After a lifetime of writing, having my first book published when I was sixty years old and having it make a USA Today bestseller list is a big deal. 

So, truly, I'm not complaining... I think I'm simply tired and overwhelmed and needing a break, which is why I processed this here among Wrangler buddies, instead of whining to dear Husband, who hears enough of my whining. I get a break soon. Liz and I are going on fall retreat in October and I'm so excited for that road trip! Until then, I'll be... everywhere, pretty much, and probably still sick of my own face. But, it's how we do things in today's world of social media marketing, and the good news is that if you're as sick of me as I am, you can just scroll on past. (But I hope you don't!) And yeah, I totally get the irony of all the promotion links in this post... what can I say? 

Oh, and by the way, if you think of word for the blank at the top of this post, drop it in the comments. I always appreciate words! A free e-book copy of Meet Me in River's Edge to a randomly drawn commenter, so go for it. I'm listening.


  1. Definitely a hamster wheel, and it never seems to slow down!

  2. In a past life, I spent many years in marketing and was a marketing manager. I'm amazed at the overwhelming workload accomplished by my author friends. I believe one answer is to have a dedicated story setting page with a moderator who truly loves the stories. Needless to say, this scenario works better, the more stories that are connected to the specified setting. Take care friend.

  3. I am sure it does feel like a Merry-go-round, sometimes speeding up, sometimes slowing down, but never getting to jump off for a bit. I am sorry I do not know the word you are looking for, but I do understand. Hugs.

  4. Knackered? Or happily knackered?

    1. Oops - didn't mean to be anonymous!

  5. Hi Nan. First of all, congrats on publishing three books this year. That's amazing! I can barely manage one. It's a tremendous amount of work, especially when you're self-publishing, and I have no idea how people publish 8 or more in a year.

    I totally get where you're coming from. Launching a new book is fun, but exhausting. I like Carol's word - knackered. Sounds about right. Remember it's perfectly all right to be happy and excited about the new book while at the same time exhausted by all the work you have to do and all the appearances you have to make. Be kind to yourself!


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