When I Get Older...Oh, Wait... by Liz Flaherty

Today, I am 73 years old. I'm fairly healthy, still blonde--with some cool coppery highlights right now--very close to the heaviest I've ever been, and tired of cooking. 

Are you with me so far? Can any of you identify with some of that?

So, I was thinking. About what I should do in this 74th year. (Aren't you proud that I get that even though this is my 73rd birthday, that means I'm entering my 74th year? It took me years to grasp that.)

Here's my list. We'll see--next year--how I've done.

1. I'm not going to stop writing, so even if I get depressed about it--and I certainly will--I'm not quitting. I may as well quit breathing, and I'm going to put that off as long as I can. 

2. I'm going to read more, but I'm not going to sweat it if I can't or don't want to finish books. My tastes have changed and narrowed, but that doesn't mean they've gone away. 

3. I'm going to stay blonde. I'm not a person who's grayed prettily and "owning it" isn't something I'm ready for yet. When you consider I intended to stop coloring my hair at 50, the truth is I may never be ready. 

4. I will finish at least one book and probably start another. If I don't, I will not beat myself up over it. Life is too short.

5. I will cherish my family and friends and faith every single day. 

6. I will laugh a lot. I will cry if I have to. Then I will laugh some more. 

7. I will love forever the man I have already loved forever. 

8. I will travel at every opportunity and enjoy retreats and writing days with Nan.

9. I will never turn down ice cream.

10. Despite #9, I will give my best shot to achieving a healthy weight. If I don't make it, I will forgive myself. 

Thanks for coming by! I'm putting a little book commercial down here. I hope you give my Amazon page a look! The Girls of Tonsil Lake is one of my favorites from my backlist!


  1. Happy birthday! I'm 73 also. I can relate to everything you've written in your blog post. Recently, I bought a stylish white wig after some friends and family members encouraged to go "white" like they had. But I had to see first before I took the white-haired leap. When I put the wig on....NOPE! Not going white. L'oreal will still have me as a customer.

    1. Oh, I love that! What a good idea that was. Thanks for stopping by, and happy 73 to you. I think I'm going to like it.

  2. I turned 65 this year, hoping God will keeps me alive and well as long as possible. Still very healthy, and able to go places on my own. God bless everyone.

    1. You, too, and thanks for coming by! Independence is one of our most appreciated pleasures, isn't it?

  3. Happy Birthday Liz! Great list. I 100% support every single one of these for you!

  4. Happy Birthday, Liz! I love your to-do list for your 74th year!

    1. Thanks, Judy. It makes me feel empowered! Go figure.

  5. Love your list. I turned 70 this year….life is great.

  6. Nice list. With you all the way. I may borrow this one on my birthday, which is a milestone one this year. Happy birthday with big love, my dear friend!πŸ’•πŸŽˆπŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸ™‚

  7. By the way, that’s me up there, I forgot to add my name… aging…. Sigh

  8. Happy birthday! Love your list. I don’t want to go white, but I’m allergic to hair dye. Big bummer. I’ve read the Tonsil Lake book and loved it!

    1. Thank you so much. If I could go just white, I think I'd like it, but mine is just kind of ...skunky.

  9. Happy Birthday, Liz! As for #3, I've gone gray and I like it. However, my mother had me come over to "do" her hair to it's usual shade of soft brown the day before she died. She was 90. Do what pleases you, not just with your hair, but with everything!

    1. I used to know a lady who dyed her hair ink-black until the day she died--in her 90s. I can't say it looked pretty, but she felt good with it, and that was what counted.

    2. Happy birthday, LizπŸŽ‰enjoy every day! I turned 80 this spring and still going as usual. As they say, age is just a number; but what makes me feel old is that my youngest child is now 50.

    3. Hi, Bonnie! I know what you mean--my youngest is 49, his wife 48. Thanks for coming by!

  10. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people on the planet! I love your list - #1 is how I also now feel about writing. My books may not be as successful as yours have been, but it's the art of doing it that I like, even if only one person reads it. #3 I will NEVER go gray! I've seen the color it would be & I can't imagine it even for one minute. #'s 5, 6, 7 are my forever goals too. #9 mine isn't ice cream, but cake! I have to treat myself on birthdays at the very least! I turned 60 just a week ago.

    1. Oh, I love cake, too. You're right--it's the doing it that counts. Thanks for coming by, Deb!

  11. Happy Birthday Liz! I definitely resonate with your decision not to go gray. I am just vain enough to dye my hair. Haven't had to do it yet, but I will if I have to!

    1. Thanks, Jana. I never intended to do it this long, but like Deb says up there, my own color isn't good. :-)

  12. Turning 60 soon. I'm already saying 60 to reduce the shock. My plans are like weeds. But, they are ALL over the place, in no particular order, and not going anywhere soon. The book issues rang a HOT bell with me! I'm giving myself permission
    to slow down and not stress about it. I'll get to each in MY time. Thanks for this.

    1. I remember saying "almost 60" to get myself used to it. That's the only decade I think I did that on. And, you know, plans are made to be changed. :-)

  13. Great list. I’m 76 and finally got back down to a healthy weight. Will write forever. No man in my life but daughters, grandsons and girlfriends. Life is what you make of it.

    1. And yours sounds pretty wonderful--I hope it is. Wishing you joy. Thank you for coming!

  14. Hi Liz,
    I love your list, and might have to borrow it! Congrats on all your writing accomplishments. Just took a peek at your book on Amazon and gave you a follow. Recently published my third book. Happy birthday! And keep writing. Like we could stop, right?

    1. Hi, Nancy. Thanks for coming. By all means, borrow away. Congratulations on publishing your third. I'll be looking you up, too!

  15. Happy Birthday, Liz! Love the list! It's pretty much my list, too, except I've decided to love the gray "highlights."

    1. Thanks, Beth! I tried to love mine--it just didn't work. :-)

  16. I am right there with you!!! And I love your list.


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