Every Day by Liz Flaherty

Good morning. My day to post was actually September 2. However, since I was posting somewhere else and it was Saturday and I am on a diet, I thought I'd wait. I do actually realize that "on a diet" is a non sequitur, but I always have kind of a soft spot for them. Thank you for your patience with my soft spots. 

Frankly, I've been on a diet most of my adult life. I am a classic yoyo-er. I truly thought by this point, I'd just say the heck with this noise and eat what I want. Which is cheese, ham salad made with bologna (on white bread), medium rare steak, and any salty treat that comes out of a bag.

But, you know, the truth is that I feel better--physically--while dieting than I do at any other time. 

It sort of reminds me--of course, it does; this is a blog post, after all--of when I write every day. It's not that all the words I write are good ones, and it's definitely not that all days are prolific ones. It's that I do it every day.

I admit to liking routine, to being a creature of habit, to admiring impulsiveness from so afar I'll probably never reach it, but sometimes it's a good thing. 

While counting my points religiously on my eating plan will give me neither a flat stomach or nice arms, it will enhance my sagging-with-age energy level. 

While writing every day won't make me a true bestselling author, it makes for satisfying days and it finishes books--something I'm afraid won't happen every time I type Chapter 1. 

The nicest part of this is that the same rules don't apply to everyone. Thinner isn't automatically more attractive, nor is it automatically healthier. As I've said before, if your friends like you better thin, you have crummy friends and bigger problems than extra pounds. 

And...writing every day doesn't necessarily make you a better writer. The words you put on the page, the heart and composition skill you put into those words--those make you a better writer. 

I hope all your diets and days are good ones. And that they're healthy and happy.

My Window books are on sale for 99 cents through Friday. If you haven't read my column or blog over the years, there a bunch of favorites compiled here. 

Window Over the Sink Amazon    D2D 

Window Over the Desk Amazon   D2D


  1. Writing every day definitely makes my heart happier and keeps my mind clear-er, Liz! Dieting .... healthier and clear-er, too, but I do love a bit of salty and some chocolate and a Coke or 2!

    1. Oh, yes, salty...probably my biggest single downfall. I taught myself to like diet soda, but of course, since I like it, it's terrible for you. Sigh. Thanks for coming by and commenting!

  2. I totally get the feeling better in a routine, whether it's a diet or writing or simply waking up at the same time every morning. Lake life makes routine a little harder and by this time each season, I'm getting close to saying, "Okay, time to close up the lake house and stay home for the winter." Funny, even that is a routine, come to think of it. Nice post!

    1. Thanks, Nan. I hate the idea of being boring, which seems kind of synonymous with routine, but I like it, so it must be okay!

  3. Oh, yes. The diet. I, too, have been on and off one most of my life. I am currently 30 lbs. down, but stuck. I agree with you wholeheartedly about feeling better. I'm eating healthier foods, but still eating junk, as well. I've also been stuck in editing mode on a book I wrote early on in my career. Perhaps the two go hand in hand? Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Have a glorious day!

    1. Thanks, Mary. You, too! And good on you for getting to 30--I hope you get unstuck soon.

  4. I'll join the Off-and-On Diet Club for sure.I went through a period of gaining and haven't been able to lose it all as yet. Trouble is, I have the urge to munch while writing and that gets me every time! Good luck and happy writing! :)

    1. Thanks, Barb. I drink coffee the whole time I am at my desk, but don't generally graze then. Which is, as I'm sure you know, a blessing! :-)

  5. I'll also join the Diet Club. I too have been on and off diets for years. Even though I know eating well and writing every day are good for me, I often ignore those good habits. I wish I was better at creating good habits!


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