A Love Letter to Libraries ~ @AuthorKristina Knight

The library in my town

Dear Libraries,

I hope this letter finds you surrounded by the whispers of countless stories and the gentle rustle of turning pages. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude and affection for the magical realms you have nurtured, the countless journeys you've allowed me to embark upon, and the warmth of your welcoming embrace.

Ah, the unmistakable scent of books that permeates your hallowed halls, an olfactory symphony that transports me to worlds unexplored. It's a fragrance that transcends time, bridging the gap between the dusty tomes of yesteryears and the fresh ink of modern tales. Opening a book in your midst is like unearthing a treasure chest, releasing the intoxicating aroma of knowledge and imagination.

Wandering through your stacks is a joyous pilgrimage, a quest for the perfect narrative that sends me on a delightful scavenger hunt. The serendipity of discovering hidden gems tucked between familiar titles is an experience unmatched by any virtual algorithm. Your shelves are the open arms that welcome me to explore the vast tapestry of human thought, offering solace in the promise that within your walls, every curiosity can find its answer.

And what about the nooks and crannies of your abode? Those secret corners and tucked-away alcoves

A stained glass skylight dome in a nearby library

that beg to be discovered. The creaking wooden floors, the aged leather of well-loved armchairs, and the soft glow of reading lamps create an atmosphere that feels like stepping into a time capsule. Your quirky, older buildings with stained glass windows and domes tell tales of generations past, and each step within is a communion with history and literature.

But it's not just the physical charm; it's the people who populate your spaces that make the experience truly enriching. Librarians, those unsung heroes of the written word, with their encyclopedic knowledge and infinite patience, are the custodians of your treasures. Their kindness and eagerness to assist turn every visit into a delightful encounter, making me feel like a cherished guest in a literary sanctuary.

I must confess, dear libraries, that some of my most cherished creations were born within the sanctuary of your walls. The quiet hum of activity, the hushed conversations, and the gentle tapping of keys are a symphony that inspires the birth of ideas. With you as my muse, I've penned stories that have found their way into the hands of readers.

In a world that seems to hurtle toward digitalization, you stand as a testament to the enduring power of the written word. Your existence is a reminder that, despite the allure of screens and pixels, there is an irreplaceable joy in the tactile experience of a book and the communal spirit of a library.

So, here's to you, dear libraries, the keepers of tales, the guardians of knowledge, and the sanctuaries of imagination. May your shelves always be filled with the promise of discovery, and may your doors forever swing open to welcome those who seek the solace and inspiration that only you can provide.

With love and gratitude,


  1. Replies
    1. thanks for visiting, Liz! :) Had a Library Experience over the weekend...and just had to say Thank You. :)

  2. I miss the adventure of the card catalogue system. I felt like a successful detective when I'd figure out just where to find a book for a research project. Our main library updated a while ago and while it's a wonderful informational hub, it's lost the coziness of the previous building. I loved your beautiful homage, Kristi.

    1. thanks, Margie! Ohhh, the Dewey Decimal ... I still have it (mostly) memorized.

  3. A beautiful love letter, Kristi!


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