About blogs... by Liz Flaherty

They've changed, haven't they? In reading blogs by and about writers...at least the ones I'm part of or read often...I find that the regular post is frequently replaced by the promotional spotlight. Even if valuable, helpful, or downright funny information is included in the post, it's often buried above the writer's bio but below the newest book cover and the "available at..." paragraph. It's good promotion for writers, a way to make their work more visible.

So, no, I'm not criticizing it. I've done a bunch of spotlights when I've been a guest on other blogs. I do them here and invite others to do them on my blog. But I miss the coffee at the kitchen table feeling that comes from reading others' blogs. I love reading about Kristan Higgins' kids and pets and her beloved McIrish. I enjoy sitting around the fire on D. V. Stone's blog. Vicky Burkholder always offers food for thought on Sparkling Book Reviews. My own Window Over the Sink as well as many others are slice of life essays and I seek them out. Sean of the South is a daily read for me.

I probably have, I shouldn't admit, more readers of my blog than of my books. But that's changing these days. My blog has fewer visitors than it used to. Readers don't respond to giveaways, to questions asked with the hope of engagement, to thoughts that invite discussion.

This morning, as I read Sparkling Book Reviews, I saw a message I've come to dread: Announcement: I will be discontinuing this site come the end of the year. More on this later.

Well, dang.

Vicky's not the first one to call it a day. I don't know her reasons and I can only hope things are okay with her, but I'll miss visiting. Her tips. Her reviews. 

I read Wrangler Nan Reinhardt's Sunday Snippet before church every Sunday and I miss Janie DeVos's posts on Word Wranglers so much. The blog is how I keep up with Margie, Kristi, Nan, and Jana. As I count on Facebook to keep me up-to-date on my nieces' and nephews' lives and well-being, I count on blogging to retain closeness to friends. 

Just as trends come and go in romantic fiction, blogging came and conquered on the internet and now seems to be well on its way...I don't know...out? Over? Or is it just changing? 

So, anyway...maybe I'm just complaining about nothing. The Window is going to have its celebration of writers telling holiday stories between Thanksgiving and New Year's this year. I hope you visit us there. 

For now, what are your favorite blogs, the ones you read every post from and you wish other people knew about? Thanks for sharing--and thanks for reading. Have a great week. 


  1. Like you, I do enjoy blogs. They are exactly like a kitchen table conversation and even those becoming quick text messages or a fast post on Instagram. I like those nods to modern communication, but I do miss a long chat over a cup of coffee. I will continue to blog because I don't do a newsletter, mainly because although I sign up for them (and I'm ashamed to confess this), I rarely make the time to read them. I hope folks continue to follow my Sunday Snippet and Author Spotlights.

    1. I'm pretty devoted to blogs, as we know , including your Snippets and spotlights!

  2. Thanks for the shout out. I love chatting around the fire and hope others do too. Whether with Word Wranglers or Over the Window Sill, I hope the conversations will continue. D.

  3. I've always enjoyed reading blogs, and I'm not sure why they're not as popular anymore. Social Media is also a good way to stay up to date, but it's just not the same.

    1. I agree. Plus, when you go to social media, you have the whole platform to mess with--in blogs, it's just a conversation with whoever wrote it. Thanks, Kristi!

  4. I still like blogs too, and they're my favorite way to communicate. Like Kristi says, social media is just not the same.

    1. For sure. Although I'm not a phone person, social media compared to blogging is like texting as opposed to really talking!

  5. Unfortunately, blogs have flooded the market. IMO, they have gone by the wayside. Many of the blogs that have big followings are those that give teachable, "how-to" instructions about writing, for example, and various other skills and art forms. Facebook (sadly) seems to be where people now share their thoughts, accomplishments, and personal lives.

    1. I still like ones like our Smart Women Read Romance blog--I just wish for more participation, don't you?

  6. The only blog I try to never miss is Window Over The Sink. I think the decline of the blog has to do with the pace of life these days! I always feel like I'm swimming in one of those endless pools where you swim, and swim, and swim and never get anywhere. Just trying to keep my head up on a constant basis. What do I need to get done TODAY? And I'm retired! I feel like screaming along with George Jetson, "Stop this crazy thing!" Life is exhausting and relaxation is hard to come by. And yet I am blessed in everyway and have no room to complain. :)

    1. Oh, thanks, Mary! I agree with you...things are just way busy, aren't they? And I for sure hate to miss anything!


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