Year End Analysis

Image result for make it happen2018 is a whisper in the wind and I have to say, I'm glad. For me, it wasn't the best year. Maybe not my worst year, but certainly, not in the top ten.

My word last year was actually a phrase, "Make it Happen". 

I have to admit that I didn't make a lot happen. Like a new year resolution, I find that picking a word ends within a few weeks. Sometimes, I remember randomly through the year, but not enough to "make it happen". That doesn't mean I won't be picking a word this year, though. I hear practice makes perfect.

Image result for one day in decemberLast year, I set a goal to read 50 books. I'm pleased to say that I surpassed that goal and read 65. The last book I read was one of my favorites for the year. It was Reese Witherspoon's book pick for December, and I have to say, she has good taste.

 On Christmas Eve, my brother-in-law passed out scratch tickets and I won $50. And then a week later I received a Christmas card from author Sophie Kinsella. Each year, Sophie holds a drawing in which she sends 100 cards out to her fans. I've entered the last couple of years, so when that green envelope showed up, I was thrilled. 
I have hope for 2019.

My word for the year is Proactivate. 

Image result for wonder twins activateI realize it's not really a word. But, I wanted to infuse "proactive" with a little wonder twin power. I think the word could become a mantra of sorts. At least for the rest of this week.

Seeing as I'm a master procrastinator, maybe I can take all that energy I spend avoiding things and turn it around.  2019 will tell.

As for my reading goal, I'm going with 60. And I'm doing Roni Loren's Read Wide challenge. 

I like the idea of getting to color a grid, although I think I'll add the title of the books in my grid as well. And I modified my chart to match my reading tastes and goals.

So, with this, I say goodbye to 2018 and welcome 2019 in which I've already read my first book of the year, The Au Pair by Emma Rous.  

Happy New Year! May 2019 bring us all serenity, joy, and moments of perfection.


  1. 65 books is amazing Margie! Well done you. I'm shooting for 50 books again this year. I fell a little short in 2018, but maybe I can manage it in 2019. Even if I don't, I certainly enjoy the trying!

    1. Thank you! Sometimes finding a series helps. And this was the first time I've made and surpassed my goal.

  2. I always love your posts! And I'm with Jana--65 is amazing. Since my word for the year is Try, I'm not giving myself a number, but I am enjoying J.C. Kenney's 1st cozy, A LITERAL MESS and am going to try to read more. Like you, 2018 wasn't a banner year for me and I'm hoping for better for all of us. I wish you "serenity, joy, and moments of perfection," too. I'm so glad you're a Wrangler.

    1. I saw A LITERAL MESS was on Bookbub last week, so I nabbed a copy based on your rec. I'm so glad we are Wranglers together :)

  3. I have no idea how many books I read, but I'm pretty sure it was nowhere near 65. I'm with Liz--reading J.C. Kenney's A LITERAL MESS right now really enjoying it. Margie, your posts are always fun and inspirational--enjoy 2019!

    1. Thanks, Nan! I'm going to be reading A LITERAL MESS soon as well.


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