Meandering Through Christmas by Liz Flaherty

I love Christmas. Actually, I love the winter holidays--all the way from Monday of Thanksgiving week through New Year's. I thought, after reading Nan's post, I'd try to explain what it is I love so much. 

We don't have time for that, so here's a little stream of consciousness, okay? When you get done meandering through with me, please enter the Rafflecopter. We're giving away such fun things, and the more entries, the better!

I love Christmas movies, particularly old ones, but this year I'm adding A Castle for Christmas to my list. I love Brooke Shields anyway, and Cary Elwes is...well, lovely. So is the setting, and I love the story, too. 

I love Christmas romances, too. I've read a gazillion of them over the years, and written a few, too. Christmas Town Homecoming is the latest addition to the Christmas Town collection. My story this year is Remember When and it has a nice cozy place in my writer's heart. I also love Nan's Christmas With You and Kristina's Christmas in A Small Town. One of Jana's favorites is Mary Balogh's Someone to Trust.

I love Christmas music. While I snicker at my daughter because she starts listening in October, I'm right there with her. "Mary, Did You Know?" is a particular favorite. What about you?

The food at the holidays is wonderful. Nan makes rolls, I specialize in pumpkin pie, there are recipes coming up in the next week or so that will create even more mouth-watering. Mostly, though, it's the eating that captivates me. In January, maybe I'll talk about weight gain. Or maybe I won't. 

Celebrating the birth of Jesus is the part of the holiday that soothes my soul. I love our Christmas Eve service at church and the songs we sing all the way through December. I still hope against every winter-hater's hope that we have a white Christmas even though I know it wasn't white at all in Bethlehem.

Probably my favorite thing about Christmas is the memories it brings to hand and heart. Of when I was a kid or, so much better, when my kids were kids. When you lean back with your eyes closed and remember, you feel the way you felt Then. What a great gift that is. 

Merry Christmas to you all. Thank you for visiting the Wranglers, whether it's your first visit or especially if you stop in every week. Wishing you great memories and, while you're having them, good books, movie, and music, too!

Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter...My prize is a backlist book and a Christmas ornament...and maybe a few other goodies. 


  1. Beautiful, Liz! Those Christmas memories are so bittersweet. What a wonderful post.

  2. Cheesy as they sometimes are, I love the Hallmark movies! And I love the old Christmas movies, too. My favorite is A Christmas Carol, the old one in black and white. We saw a live theatre performance of a Christmas Carol and it was spectacular. Loved it!

    And who doesn't love eating during the holiday season? My favorite Christmas memories all revolve around food and family.

  3. We don't have many traditions other than just spending time with family and eating too much.


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