Starting New by Jana Richards

Photo by Renáta-Adrienn on Unsplash
It’s a brand-new year! As the calendar turns the page to another January, many of us consider what we want to accomplish in the months ahead. I love thinking about the year ahead and making plans. However, I’ve learned not to get too carried away by setting too many goals or it can bite you in the butt.

Case in point: my goals for 2022. I had some lofty ones. And I had a lot of them. I pushed myself to get them done, so much so that I burned myself out by July. I ended up missing a deadline with my editor, and wasn’t able to finish my Christmas book, CHRISTMAS AT SOLACE LAKE, until well into 2023. 

So, this year as I think about goals, I’m trying to give myself some grace. I don’t want to become overburdened and end up burned out again. That was awful. 

I’m trying to be more practical this year. To combat burnout, I’ve decided to only make goals for one quarter of the year at a time. Right now, I’m only looking as far as the end of March. If I don’t quite reach all my goals by the end of March, my mantra will be “Oh, well. I’ll do that next quarter.”  It doesn’t mean I’m going to slack off. Believe me, I have a lot of things on my list. I’m just giving myself permission to push them back a little if I can’t get everything done at once. 

As everyone knows, we can set all the goals we like, but often the unforeseen happens and upsets all our neat little plans. That’s already happened to me and it’s only mid-January! It’s important to stay flexible and not get upset when things don’t go the way we’d like. Or at least, that’s what I keep telling myself.

Photo by Roland Denes on Unsplash
The one thing on my goal-setting list that I won’t change is the actual writing itself. I can push back marketing and promotion goals into the next quarter, but new writing takes precedence over everything. The fun thing is that I get to start this year by writing a brand-new story. So far, I have only the barest of outlines to go by, so it’s a daunting, and slightly terrifying prospect. But it’s also a thrilling one. When beginning a new story no longer excites me, or when it's no longer fun, that’s when I’ll know it’s time to hang up my keyboard.

I’d love to hear about your goals and resolutions for 2024. What’s something on your list?


  1. I think this year's plan sounds ideal. Joan Reeves mentioned a daily list on Smart Girls Read Romance, and I'm thinking I may do that, too. I'm going to sprint more--anybody in with Nan & me?--and promote when I need to. 2023 was a bad year professionally for me, and 2024 may require a decision I don't want to make. Wishing Wrangler luck to all of us.

  2. I have to have a plan or a list. I've discovered it's the only way I get things done and keep myself organized. I like having a clear picture of what I need to do each day.

    I just finished working on my income and expenses for 2023 and as usual the expenses exceeded income. No surprise there. This year I'm cutting back on promotions and we'll see if it makes any difference in my income. One thing I know I want to accomplish for sure is to write more in 2024. I want to write two books this year, at least to the first draft stage.

    I wish you good Word Wrangler luck, too, Liz.


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